Doff Power Up Super Fast Lawn Seed 500g
The Doff Power Up Nitro Coat Fast Acting Lawn Seed is a unique coated lawn seed to drive water absorption and greater germination success. It has added nitrogen to drive quicker growth, more root mass and thicker grass. It is quick and easy to sow and the lawn is low maintenance once established.
Grass Gains Bulk Lawn Seed 2.5kg
A blend or organic plant based bio stimulant with a coated controlled release fertiliser. There are two prills, one being a green prill which is a slow release formula, allowing it to drip feed the grass over a period of 5-6 months. The other being a black prill, which is our organic quick release, allowing results to be visible within 5 days. This is a dust free product, preventing the plant from scorching, and thanks to the slow-release technology, this high quality fertiliser only needs to be applied twice a year! Covers 100m2, ideally to be applied with our fert shaker for an even distribution.
Grass Gains One Shot Wonder 1L
Green-UP your lawn in just 24 hours. This liquid fertiliser is a blend of organic ingredients, pet and child safe and results in just 24 hours! It contains a wetting agent, allowing the moisture to be pulled through to the roots, for a longer lasting hydration. Chelated iron is another ingredient in this product, giving the perfect green up. Amazing for harsh weather conditions to allow the plant to withstand any weather, also protecting against drought and disease. Easy application and must be brought with the applicator, which is then reusable. Covers 100m2 and can be applied every month, all year round.
Grass Gains Super Seed 1kg
Our specially selected lawn grass seed is perfect for patching up lawns or seeding from scratch, it has a headstart gold treatment on the seed to help the seed establish quicker and get guareenteed results even quicker than standard lawn seed.
Miracle Gro Multi Purpose Lawn Seed
Miracle-Gro EverGreen Multi Purpose Lawn Seed is a quality lawn seed for hard-wearing lawns.
Miracle Gro Evergreen Complete Spreader Pack 80m2
Miracle-Gro EverGreen Complete 4 in 1 feeds your lawn whilst also working to kill weeds and control moss.
Miracle Gro Evergreen Complete 4 In 1 80m2
The Miracle-Gro Evergreen Complete 4 in 1 is the perfect product to feed your lawn.
Miracle Gro Evergreen Lawn Food 1kg
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food guarantees a richer, greener lawn in 5 days.
Miracle Gro Super Seed 1kg
New Miracle-Gro Professional Super Seed for Hard Wearing Lawns that is high tolerant to allow you to enjoy your lawn with children, pets, friends and family.
Miracle Gro Evergreen Autumn Lawn Spreader 80m2
Miracle-Gro EverGreen Autumn Lawn Care helps to protect your lawn from harsh winter weather, giving your lawn a good start next spring!
Johnsons General Purpose Lawn Seed
General Purpose is an excellent all round mixture for monst lawns, providing a good balance wear tolerance, appearance and speed of establishment.
Johnsons Any Time Lawn Seed 425g
Any Time uses the latest Amenity Ryegrasses employed by professionals to sow, renovate and repair grass areas under cooler conditions.
Johnsons After Moss Lawn Seed 850g
After Moss is a 100% fine leaved Perennial Ryegrass mis coated in a specially formulated calcium carbonate, anti moss shellthat gently raises the phH of the soil to help deter the return of moss.
Masterline Greenfine Lawn Seed
Fine lawn, luxuriant fine turf with good colour, developes a very dense sward under close mowing.
Masterline Greenscape Lawn Seed
Hard wearing lawns, highly adaptable mixture that establishes quickly.
Vitax Lawn Sand 250m2
Vitax Lawn Sand helps control spring and summer moss.
Miracle Gro Drop Spreader
The Miracle-Gro® Rotary Spreader has variable settings to apply lawn food or grass seed.