Agricultural Sales

As well as selling Clothing, Footwear, Workwear, Pet & Bird, Equestrian, Hardware, Household, Outdoor Living & more in our Country Stores we also offer many products and services either for delivery to your door or for collection in-store.
How we can help you
- Animal Identification
- Crop Packaging
- Farm Feeds
- Fertiliser & Lime
- Fuels & Lubricants
- Seeds
- Livestock Handling Equipment
- Forage & Grain Analysis
- Clipper Sharpening
- Plant Tissue
- Soil
Our Agri Sales teams are available at each of the stores and are dedicated, experienced and trained members of staff. For our central Agri Sales coordinator please contact Alison Stoyle on 01363 771927 or 07531 837947.
Axminster Store
01297 302544
07852 793979
Crediton Store
01363 774786
07961 056577
Okehampton Store
01837 650169
07720 089614
Whitstone Store
01288 270649
07720 089614