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Endofluke 10%Endofluke 10%
In-Store Only
Endofluke 10%
 For the treatment of adult, immature and early immature stages of liver fluke (fasciola hepatica), susceptible to triclabendazole.
Bimectin InjectionBimectin Injection
In-Store Only
Bimectin Injection
A clear, colourless, slightly viscous, sterile solution for injection containing 1% w/v ivermectin PhEur.

Bimectin Plus InjectionBimectin Plus Injection
In-Store Only
Bimectin Plus Injection
A clear colourless to pale yellow sterile non-aqueous solution.
Megacal-M 12 x 100ml
In-Store Only
Megacal-M 12 x 100ml
Contains calcium borogluconate (equivalent to calcium 4.6gm), magnesium hypophosphite (equivalent to magnesium 0.8gm) and boric acid 10gm per 100ml.

Sheep Dip Gold Fleece 5L
In-Store Only
Sheep Dip Gold Fleece 5L
Recommended for the prevention and treatment of blowfly strike, ticks, keds, lice and scab infestations on sheep.
Bimeda Metal Sheep Drench Gun 10ml
Bimeda Metal Sheep Drench Gun 10ml
Metal 10ml oral drench applicator for use providing oral drenches to sheep, lambs and calves.
£36.00 inc VAT(£30.00 ex VAT)

Bimeda Hook Dosing Gun 80ml
Bimeda Hook Dosing Gun 80ml
This 80ml Hookmatic metal hooked drench gun is a high quality dosing gun that is used for drenching cattle in a wide variety of environments.
£36.00 inc VAT(£30.00 ex VAT)
Bimectin Injector Gun 10ml
Bimectin Injector Gun 10ml
Bimectin Injection Gun 10ml.
£28.80 inc VAT(£24.00 ex VAT)

Bimeda Zinc Oxide Spray 200ml
Bimeda Zinc Oxide Spray 200ml
Zinc Oxide Spray is used as a skin protection ointment.
£15.00 inc VAT(£12.50 ex VAT)
Nettex Promark Spray Marker 400mlNettex Promark Spray Marker 400ml
Special Offer
from £5.40 inc VAT(from £4.50 ex VAT)

Bimeda Categories