Agrihealth Dehorner Spare Tip 17/19mm
Suitable for Alios, Arkos, Daos dehorners.
Barnes Dehorner 17"
Dehorner for larger animals. Blade aperature: 70mm. Length 17'.
Agrihealth Electric Dehorner
Gives a constant temperature fo 700 degress, guranteeing easy dehorning.
Portasol Dehorner Mark 3
A fully portable calf dehorner, with added new features and extra-durability. The Portasol Calf Dehorner MK111 is the perfect tool for dehorning herds of young calves 2-8 weeks old.
Calor Gas Dehorner
Traditional gas dehorner. Complete with 2.5M hose. Works with butane or propane.
Alios Express Portable Gas Dehorner
Portable gas dehorner.
Agrihealth Express Dehorner Gas Bottle 60g
The dehorner gas express 60g refill HD bottle from Agrihealth.
Hornex Paste 25g
Hornex calf dehorning paste 25g treats 40 calves the active ingredient is Sodium Hydroxide.
Jet For Calor Dehorner
Dehorner Calor Spare Jet.
Dehorner Propane Calor Regulator
Traditional gas dehorner regulator.
Saw Wire 10m Coil
Dehorning saw wire.
Dehorning Saw Handles 2 Pack
For use with dehorning wire.